6 Important Project Safety Protocols


6 Important Project Safety Protocols

Whether you’re working on a home renovation project or a large building venture, construction site safety is of the utmost importance.  Without proper safety measures on any project, the chance for mistakes and accidental injury rises.

While we always suggest having a company manage your current renovation project, if you are deciding on handling your project on your own, or if you happen to be getting into trades, here are six of the top construction safety measures you should know before starting.

Tool Training

This is pretty simple, but you would be surprised on how many people try to operate equipment that they never have before. If you don’t know to use to the tool correctly, consult a professional to handle the tools for you or ask them to teach you how to use it properly.

There are also many online resources you can search to read up on what the tool does and how you’re supposed to use it. Be smart and be safe.

construction tools

Site Assessment

From weak floors in a house to unlevel ground at a new house build, never underestimate the condition of the construction site. Not all conditions are universal for each project, but you can never be too cautious. Take a little bit of time to evaluate your work area to minimize the risk of accidents.

Keep in mind that site assessment is not only done before work begins, but throughout the entire construction project. As work continues, conditions will vary, so always be vigilant.

Invest in Safety Gear

The safety gear you’ll need can vary from project to project, but there are some construction safety products that you’ll find yourself using for almost every one. The items include:

  • Safety Glasses
  • Steel Toe Boots
  • Gloves
  • Hard Hat
  • Straps

Make sure you buy products from a quality distributor and verify that each item is in proper working order.

construction worker safety

Safe Site Visit Practices

As the majority of our projects are done in homes, we make sure that all of our customers are aware of what work procedures have been done and ensure all areas are clean and have the necessary blockades set up if need be.

Many homeowners like to see the progress of their new project, so if you’re a tradesman or general contractor working for a client, make sure the space is safe and that you accompany them. Virtual visitation software is also an option if that route is preferred.

Reduce Fatigue

Studies and research amongst construction workers and tradesman show that those who feel tired during the workweek are more prone to experience difficulties with physical actions and cognitive decisions. As you can imagine, this could lead to accidents.

If you need to take a break and rest, make sure to do so. Also, stay hydrated during the warmer weather and make sure you’re eating and sleeping well.

work fatigue

Use Proper Signage

At every project, be sure to include signs to alert people that they are in or approaching a construction site and to be cautious. It’s also good to include the name of your company on major signs so possible clients can find you if they’d like to hire you for their upcoming projects.

If you’ve been planning on handling an upcoming project, whether it be a new house or a renovation of your current residence, give us a call and let us handle all the headache that comes with managing a site. 

We will build your dream in a safe and exciting way.